1 min read

For smaller companies, CAD and ERP integrations are often

"nice to have", but not essential.

ROI is more likely via the CAD data and file management, bill of materials configuration, automated change control, and workflow/email notification.

Integrating PLM with CAD/ERP is a much bigger time & cost consuming application. Projects that require custom integrations can be time-consuming and can delay project payback by months or longer.

Less ambitious PDM/PLM implementations rely on simple data exports for loading the ERP BOM tables; your CAD and ERP processes will be no worse than they are now. The benefits from integration will accrue much sooner.

Only after you've extracted all other PLM benefits should you then examine a complete ERP system integration.

PLM Challenge:

• PLM applications are limited in scope & functionality

• Especially vulnerable if faced with a myriad of process & methods to incorporate

• Not intuitive, OOTB/COTS usually requires some additional development

• This means bespoke application code development required

• Once in place forces discipline & control – but requires additional skills/attributes

• Support for users & a skilled support team, perhaps via third party service provider

• If not well managed post implementation can cause more user confusion

• Can have a negative impact on your business causing unnecessary disruption

• Design & development, through to manufacturing can all be impacted

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