1 min read

Advances in digital technology be they hardware or software are all part of the PLM success story.  However the challenge of fully embedding the technology in any organisation as part of a PLM project should not be under estimated. Making the necessary organisational changes is the real challenge and usually the biggest limiting factor for a successful PLM project rather than the technology itself.

Simply stated PLM can be seen as a series of iteration loops and workflows that manage the entire life-cycle of a product. It is fundamental for traceability, and connectivity and beneficial in managing all the various components of a product. Directly linked to this product are other key artifacts BOM's. Change Request, Parts information, Design Documents, 3D CAD models and associated meta data, revisions and version control to support change management  all of which can be tracked under a single or series of connected workflows.

So much as been discussed and written about PLM what it means, the benefits, how to deploy, support and manage. There seems little point here in this blog to repeat all what is known. Advances with digital technology will continue to disrupt and change the current ways of working and introduce new opportunities for PLM applications.

To take advantage of technology, organisations will still need to make the necessary functional changes.

  • Continue to innovate
  • Introduce more virtual collaboration
  • More integration of business processes
  • Data transactions automated e.g. between PLM and ERP

Here at the PLM Innovation Centre we have the skills, and experience to help maximise PLM benefits especially for any company that is disappointed or concerned over their PLM investments, This help can be provided for any stage of the PLM project. We have proven technical expertise and relevant project experience covering a wide range of technical skills , project management and business change experience. We have also undertaken fine tuning and trouble shooting on existing PLM deployments. Our skills extend far beyond IT related software and hardware knowledge and cover the full scope of PLM applications, tools, technologies and business processes.

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